Author: Keila Diaz, BSU student

I decided to do my interview with Michele Wein-Crelly, the owner of Michele’s Massage Studio, because she is an amazing massage therapist and deserves the attention. Michele has been a massage therapist since 2006 and she is great at what she does. I know this because I am one of her clients. Michele’s Massage Studio is located in a very quiet and chic room in Brockton, MA. She offers many different types of services such as Swedish massage, Deep tissue, Hot Stone, Reflexology, Body Polish, etc.
Q: Tell me about your business and why did you choose this line of business?
A: I’m a massage therapist and I like instant gratification, like being able to help people. So that was kind of the end result of it. Before that, I was doing manicures and pedicures and it evolved into massage. And then I started learning Reiki and Reflexology and it just turned into Massage Therapy which seemed like the perfect fit for me.
Q: When did it start and what year?
A: I became a manicurist in 1994. That’s pretty much when it started. I did that for several years. Then I moved up here from Florida. I worked in a couple of salons, then I got sick. I started learning reflexology and it helped. And that’s when the instant gratification started. And then I realized that this stuff helps people and people need to know about this. So I did reflexology for about 8 years and Reiki before I became a Massage therapist. I became a massage therapist in 2006.
Q: What was it that made you start this business?
A: I was working with Chiropractors doing reflexology and they kept on telling me that I need to become a massage therapist. So finally I said you’re right this is what I need to do.
Q: What was the toughest thing you went through when opening?
A: I think the toughest thing was having the confidence to say I can do this.
Q: What inspired you to keep going as you were getting the business off the ground?
A: I think the people appreciated what I was doing and it was helping them and it just kept
growing and I kept meeting people and working with people and of course getting massages.
Q: If you had to start over from day 1 what would you have done differently? Or what was your most difficult challenge?
A: I think I would’ve invited more people in. It would’ve been nice to have more of a team, it’s
nice working alone but it would’ve been nice having other people working with me.
Q: What is the toughest part about having a business in 2020?
A: There’s a lot of competition out there. You just have to have a niche and you just have to keep on plugging away and don’t be disappointed about the down days because you’re going to have up days and that’s going to make up for the down days.
Q: If a customer was to choose between your business and 3 others just like it, why would you suggest they at least give you a try first?
A: I’ve been in business for many years and I’ve learned all types of different techniques and when they call me they’re going to get me. They’re not going to get different people like at other places.
Q: What makes you stand out?
A: I’m happy. I like what I do. When people come here they’re going to have a good laugh. I like people to be relaxed. I realized that in order to get a massage you have to learn how to relax. And sometimes laughing is a good thing.
Q: What is the number 1 way you currently bring in new customers?
A: I have a lot of referrals. So because I’ve been in business since 2006, a lot of people refer people. I have Facebook and Google, I also do a lot of internet things and some networking. Sometimes I pass out business cards wherever I go.
Q: Has internet technology (website, online ads, social media, etc.) played a big part in your growth and making your company more successful?
A: Oh absolutely! Yes, from ordering cards online to websites and social media.
Q: Do you feel that internet technology could play a bigger role in your business if you had the
right tools?
A: I think I can probably do better with using more social media like Twitter and Instagram but sometimes I feel like I’m busy enough.
Q: On a regular day how many clients do you see?
A: Probably 3 or 4.
Q: What’s your busiest season?
A: It’s hard to say because sometimes it’s right around tax season, sometimes around Valentine’s Day, but sometimes it’s November or December, people buying gift certificates, but I feel like I’ve stayed pretty steady during the year. I feel fortunate for that.
Q: If you had to look 6 months to a year into the future where would you like to see your business be?
A: Pretty steady. Meeting more people and keeping the people I have.
Q: Are you happy the way the business is now?
A: Yes. I feel like it’s comfortable. I would love to have another person come in and work so I can do a little bit less. I’m getting older so I figure at some point I’m going to retire. So it would be nice having another person in here.
Q: Do you feel like you’re overworked or underworked?
A: I don’t feel overworked right now because I had an injury so I’ve been pacing myself. This is a very physical job so you do have to pace yourself even when you’re at your peak. You really have to be considerate of your health, your sleep and how you eat. When you have an injury, you realize how important it is to have all those factors in place.
Visit Michele’s Massage Studio at: 244 Liberty Street Brockton, MA
Contact her via:
Phone: 781-504-3443
Facebook page: @michelesmassagestudioma
Twitter: @michelesmassage